Black Mirror Shadow Work

There are countless ways to use a Black Mirror, but one of the most powerful ways is to use it for Shadow Work, the practice of working with the unconscious mind to heal inner rifts. Whether you’re working toward alignment with your Higher Self, or just trying to understand yourself on a deeper level, Shadow Work with a Black Mirror can help you get in touch with your subconscious, the Shadow Self.

This is an easy practice in the physical realm as most of the work is done beneath the surface.

Here’s what you’ll need:

Black Mirror - Create your own here

Space carved out in time just for you

Candle - many opt for black when working in the shadows but this is your soul you’ll be speaking to so use whichever color feels best.


Here’s what you’ll do:

Find a comfy spot to sit in front of your mirror - it will reflect your face so ensure that it is up high enough. Place the candle in between you and the mirror so that it can illuminate your face once it’s lit.

Turn out the lights,

Light candle,

Talk to self.

No really, it’s that easy.

If you find it to be anymore difficult than that, see it as an indication of just how much work you have to do, and accept that that is okay. This is your time to slowly get to know the secret side of yourself. The journey goes the way that you predetermine so set healthy intentions before you begin. This is some of the most important work you’ll ever do for both you and the collective consciousness. This is as easy, or as hard, as you make it.

For inspiration see:

Shadow Work Discussion Prompts

Shadow Work Q&A