Shadow Work Q & A

What is Shadow Work?

The practice of working intimately with the unconscious mind to uncover that which is repressed and heal inner rifts.

What is the purpose of Shadow Work?

The goal is to accept oneself at a soul deep level to achieve inner peace and clarity. It is a ritual of inner-housekeeping. 

How do you maintain a high vibration while practicing Shadow Work?


“If I’m supposed to keep my energy high, won’t entertaining the low and negative energy lower my vibration?”

Yes, probably, in the beginning, but first, it depends on your mindset; if you’re open and optimistic the experience could leave you feeling better. Second, and most importantly, it really does not matter.

Here’s why it does not matter:

You are emitting a frequency from your subconscious constantly, no matter what you do, and it is this signal that the Universe is primarily responding to.

What does that mean?

That means that your shadow is fucking up your vibe all day every day no matter how many happy little affirmations you say and it will continue unless you do something about it.

You will be worse off ignoring this work out of fear, way worse. You don’t need to worry about shadow work “killing your vibe” because the shadow is already doing that. The unhealed, unintegrated parts of you are a constant drain on your energy supply. 

Here’s What You Can Do:

Wicked, Shadow Work