The Higher-Self

(Source, Inner-being, Soul)

Correspondent to the Third Eye and the Crown Chakras, this is your highest vibrational state of being.

To put it as simply as possible, the Higher-Self is your soul; it’s your intuition, your conscience, your inner voice. This is your truest state of being, the most authentic you. This is the you that’s tuned into the Universe, the Collective Consciousness, and the present moment around you. This is the you that exists without any barriers or restrictions; your most natural, free self. This is the ‘goal’ of most spiritual journeys, to align with the Higher-Self; to align with Source. It’s important that you understand that all of these concepts are the same thing no matter what we call it and it exists within you.

The integration of the Higher-Self is the re-acquisition of your personal power. The biggest trick of the Church was leading people to believe that ‘God’ was ever outside of themselves. (Not to mention their version is really only half of the equation, but that’s a story for another section.) To align with the Higher-Self is to trust in one’s own being. We have all of the answers inside of us, but Spirit cannot speak to you if you are not silent. So if you find yourself at a dissonance with life get real quiet for a moment. The solution and the problem exist simultaneously, you just have to be open to receiving both. 

Once you allow yourself to begin realignment with your Source/Higher-Self/Inner-being you tap into the universal flow around you; the vortex. Integrating the Higher-Self is where energy/vibrational work begins. This is the inner compass that allows us to connect deeply and gives us access to ancient and new insight. The Source within you is pure universal energy, the type that creates worlds - claim it. 

Wicked Note:

Man, when I first started really diving into spiritual study I remember the Higher-Self feeling like such an abstract concept; it was like this all-knowing being that was me but always outside of myself. It felt like a mythical creature, and perhaps that’s because at the time I was also studying the Fae, but as I looked into the Higher-Self it was hard not to be intimidated by all of the hype from the spiritual community. I’ve been a practicing witch my whole life, but as a newcomer to the virtual spiritual community all of the terms were a lot to digest and maybe this is the Virgo in me, but I tend to feel every subject deserves individual study so as you can imagine I got pretty wrapped up in the details. Had someone just sat me down and very blatantly said that your “Higher-Self” is just you underneath all the bullshit I probably could have opened up my perspective a lot sooner. But that’s another trick of spiritual synonyms, I guess.

Experiences like that are a part of why I aim to make all of these concepts as simple as possible.