
Crown Chakra 

Crown Chakra .jpg

“Thousand Petaled” 


Color: Violet

Location: Crown (or top) of head

Element: Thought Sound:  AUM

Path of the Tree of Life:


Crystals: Amethyst, White Calcite, White Topaz, Clear Quartz, Diamond, Herkimer Diamond, Lepidolite, Moonstone, Purple Fluorite, Selenite, Snow Quartz  

Oils/Herbs/Incense: Cedarwood, Elemi, Frankincense, Galvanum, Gurjum, Helichrysum, Jasmine, Lavender, Myrrh, Neroli, Rose, Rosewood, Sandalwood, Spikenard, Vetiver


“We are”


Enlightenment, spiritual journeys, ascension, higher connection, intuition 


This is the chakra of enlightenment. The Crown Chakra allows us to connect with divine Source energy and channel it back into our physical lives. 

Signs of a Balanced Crown Chakra:

Source Alignment, enlightenment, absolute in your purpose, inner happiness, acceptance, peacefulness, trusting, creativity, oneness, focused. 

Signs of an Imbalanced Crown Chakra:

Disconnection, uncoordinated and clumsy, disoriented, blackouts, limited conscious thinking, scattered, forgetful, lack of purpose or faith, excessive isolation, close-mindedness. 

Signs of an Overactive Crown Chakra: 

Dissociation from the physical world and body, living in one’s head, oversleeping, excessive fantasizing, living in one’s mind.

How the Crown Chakra gets blocked:

Group thought; inability or unwillingness to think for oneself. While this chakra forces us to recognize the interconnectedness of the soul, it can become bogged down when we lose touch with our oneness in the physical realm and submit to pre-thought ideals. Losing touch with the Spiritual Self is akin to losing touch with Source. 

How to Balance/Clear/Open the Crown Chakra:


Color therapy: This includes eating purple/white foods, meditating on the color purple/white, and wearing purple/white clothing or jewelry.

Foods/Diet to Balance the Crown Chakra:

Fasting  Cleansing

Water Broths


Yoga Poses to Balance the Crown Chakra:

Headstand Tree pose

Lotus Pose Backbend

Forearm Stand Rabbit Pose

Corpse Pose