
Third Eye Chakra 

Third Eye Chakra .jpg


Color: Purple/Indigo

Location: Forehead between the eyes

Element: Light Sound:OHM

Path on the Tree of Life: Chokhmah and Binah

Crystals: Lapis Lazuli, Azurite, Sugilite, Amethyst, Blue Quartz, Charoite, Kyanite, Lepidolite, Purple Fluorite, Sodalite


Oils: Angelica Root, Bay Laurel, Clary Sage, Cypress Elemi, Frankincense, Helichrysum, Juniper, Lavender, Marjoram, Patchouli, Peppermint, Rosemary, Sandalwood, Tea Tree, Vetiver 


“I see” (I know)


Intuition, psychic abilities, visualization, wisdom, memory, comprehension, dreams, decisiveness


This is the chakra of clarity. The Third Eye gives us the ability to see past the facade of the Ego and the physical realm around us and into deeper energies. This chakra allows us access to all psychic abilities.

Signs of a Balanced Third Eye Chakra:

Flow of life, active expression, creativity, joy, adaptability, sexuality, sensuality, pleasure, fertility 

Signs of an Imbalanced Third Eye Chakra:

Lack of concentration, fear, excessive/obsessive need for knowledge/answers, ego flares, delusions, inability to self-reflect.

Signs of an Overactive Third Eye Chakra:

Losing touch with reality, delusions, fantasies, being out of touch, isolation

How the Third Eye Chakra Gets Blocked:

Lack of self-faith, defaulting to the physical reality, disconnecting from Source.

How to Balance/Clear/Open the Third Eye Chakra:


Color therapy: This includes eating red or purple foods, meditating on the color purple/indigo, and wearing purple/indigo clothing or jewelry.

Foods/Diet to Balance the Third Eye Chakra:

Red or Purple grapes

Blueberries Blackberries

Black Currants Eggplant

Prunes Raisins

Purple Potatoes

Purple Kale Chocolate


Yoga Poses to Balance the Third Eye Chakra:

Mountain Pose Forward Fold

Half Fold Plank/Chaturanga

Cobra pose Warrior 1

Pyramid Pose Warrior 3

Tree Pose Bound Angle Pose