The Shadow Self

(The Primal Self)

This is the “dark side” of spirituality. A lot of people shy away from this subject and this soul work because they’re still victims of a dual mindset and these concepts make a lot of people uncomfortable for a myriad of different reasons. 

The Shadow Self corresponds to the “darker” aspects of humanity; sexuality, primal instincts, and lower-vibrational emotions. On the lower side of human consciousness, it’s linked to the Root and the Sacral Chakras. In a lot of ways, this isn’t a space that you wish to vibrate in for too long because the Law of Attraction is always present and what you give your attention to is what you call into your life. But, if you don’t make peace with this side of your being you’re shutting yourself off from the contrast of life and, consequently, when it does get through (and it will get through) it will sneak up on you and cause you to drastically calibrate in the wrong direction. 

Acceptance of the Shadow Self is mindfulness of the human condition and the spiritual one. Duality exists only within our minds; all things are both good and bad depending upon the observer. Good and evil are a trick of perception, and it’s likely that the Shadow exists so strongly in this day and age as a result of years and years of the repression of these ‘taboo’ concepts. 

It’s important to shed light on the Shadow so that you can remove any pessimistic lurking ‘monsters’ like trauma patterns, grief and pain cycles, abusive patterns (of the self and others), manipulative habits, etcetera and so forth. These are the things that tarnish our toroidal fields and attract that which we do not desire back to us. The Shadow is every facet of yourself that you’ve noticed and decided to shove deep down into your subconscious because you don’t want to look at it. You didn’t like the color or something, I don’t know what your deal is. But I do know that the longer you leave those things in the basement of your conscious being the worse it’ll be when someone or something comes into your life and starts spot-lighting them. No matter where we go we cannot run from ourselves. 

What we see in those around us is always a reflection of our inner-world, so if you’re noticing a lot of negativity around you reflect on the toxicity within you. The Law of Attraction is always active; Source is always listening, it hears everything and that’s why it’s so important to control thought momentum. A heavy shadow will hinder work against conscious creation  because unresolved issues with the Self will feed off of negativity and grow bigger and bigger until they are out of control. The Shadow will push negative thoughts with more force than a disconnected Higher-Self will push positive thoughts. 

Sometimes the best way to change the momentum of a thought is to quit thinking about it entirely, but we call them inner demons because they’re ravenous and relentless; it’s not so easy to get away from them. Accepting the Shadow Self is facing those inner demons. The ascension of the soul is much easier when the cargo is light. So face whatever’s eating at you and set it free. 

Many may feel inspired to make amends while contemplating these concepts, but remember that the work starts within. Exposing yourself to old, negative vibrations from a weak state of being/weak frame will only yield negative results. Make peace within if you seek it without and stay mindful of your vibration when engaging in shadow work so as not to get lost in the darkness.