Black Mirrors

The Dark Meditation Tool

Aside from being highly aesthetic for every goth, Black Mirrors are an extremely powerful tool in the Craft. Black Mirrors can be used for a myriad of things:





Shadow Work


Whatever the need may be, you can DIY this must-have craft tool through a few simple steps.

All you need is:

A picture frame (glass intact)

Black paint and a brush


Sage, for cleansing purposes

White paint, to add sigils

Get all of your supplies here:

The Wicked Witch’s Black Mirror Crafting List

You can use a single frame, or you can use a double hinged frame for a myriad of reasons; the second panel can be a place for your Higher Self, your Ego, or just ‘you’ to help you stay grounded.

You can paint/draw/carve sigils into the frame 

Sage first

Call in guides/helpers/Source - whatever you use to help you in this creation


Let dry

Add Sigils


Black Mirror Blessing:

I speak to the divine

Listen clearly at this time

Allow this tool black as night 

 And full of might

To act as an eye

And show truth when I scry 

Bless this window with pure sight

Keep it sacred for every rite

Infuse it wholly with magick of mine

And bless it completely with great power of thine.