The Practice of Manifestation

At the beginning of your manifestation practice you can save time by avoiding one of the most common mistakes beginners make; overreaching. Everyone wants the big stuff like love and money, but just as with any new skill you have to work your way up to the biggest goals.

 When we reach immediately for the largest goals we’re allowing an intense wanting to drive us. While a want is where every intention starts, its energy doesn’t belong anywhere near an active manifestation. To vibrate for too long in the space of wanting is to tell the Universe, or Source, that you are currently lacking. Source doesn’t care much for your complaining or mine, so these things typically go ignored by the collective consciousness. (i.e. Source, the Universe; remember it’s all the same.)


So how do you get past this block?


Source has no concept of time. To be grateful in the present for something you may only have in your mind is to transcend the limits of your ego. To manifest is to literally pull an idea, or an intention from your mind and force it into reality. We do this by matching vibrations. The closer your frequency is to an intention the sooner you will see it manifest in the physical realm. 


Those of us who are lacking the big things and find ourselves turning to “magick” as a way to conquer our problems and challenges typically come to this practice with a low vibration. Something has happened, something that was probably, on some level, traumatic. You know you have to make a change but you don’t know where to begin. Raising your vibration is the best place to start.


But raising your vibration and then going on to maintain it at the desired level takes practice and honestly, even with the practice you will probably still have to actively deflect negativity in your life while you rise through the frequencies until you’re able to attract people with a better quality of energy. This might not be what you want to hear but I’m a realist and I know that this isn’t a cakewalk for most people. It’s a lot of unlearning and it’s a lot of combat, but that’s just one phase.  However, you can utilize the time spent here.


While you begin to get comfortable manipulating your own energy you can practice manifesting small things everyday. I find myself in the car a lot, so as of late I’ve been manifesting certain types of vehicles, specific license plate combinations, wildlife, etc. When practicing with these small concepts it’s easier to become detached from the outcome. When we detach and trust in our intent we relax into a state of allowing, making it easier for the Universe to co-create with us. In these instances it usually does so graciously, thankful for the lack of resistance.


Some people seem to struggle with the concept of Source. I don’t think it’s any secret that most of us feel or have felt alone, so when I tell you that there’s this all powerful energy hanging out, just waiting to help you get whatever you want, there’s likely a part of you rejecting it. That would be your ego, and its only real purpose is to keep you locked in the third dimension, limited to your five senses. I know that it’s comfortable, but trust me when I say its time to get into the practice of deflating it. What your ego doesn’t understand and doesn’t want you to believe is that we are all connected. Every single one of us is a part of the conscious collective, which is the same thing as Source.  This ‘all powerful energy’ is literally you and me, and everyone else you know. So when you’re asking Source for something the only real question you’re asking is “am I going to let myself have this?” Look, you can stand in your own way forever or you can be free. I can’t tell you which to choose, though I hope that it’s the latter because the conscious collective cannot fully advance without every single one of us ascending and I for one choose to be free. I want that for all of us, that’s the why behind all of this, that’s the why behind Wicked.


I just wanna be fucking free.




These practices of… let’s call them low-value manifestations serve a very powerful purpose; they convince you to believe.  As a creator of your own reality you have to believe, whole-heartedly, in your design. No one great has ever became such by doubting their dreams. They are great because they surpassed their doubts and emerged triumphant over their egos, proving their version of what was once impossible, possible.


It’s okay if you don’t feel called to do anything ‘big’, too. You have just as much of a right to this power as anyone else, and using it to improve your life and your experience helps us all, even if you can’t see the big picture yet.


If all of this still seems far-fetched I recommend spending some time in meditation eliminating your barriers. The only limitations we have in this life are the ones we put on ourselves. The final boss is you, it always has been.


I’m not here to lie to you, this shit isn’t easy. When “spiritual teachers” talk about all of this stuff they don’t typically mention that in order to raise your dominant vibration you have to integrate your shadow-self, and that shit hurts like hell. Facing yourself is fucking messy. But it’s worth it. Stepping out of the victim mentality and taking control of your life is the most rewarding thing in this life, second only to helping others do the same. And I know that you’re capable because I know that I am, and we’re all just fragments of the same Source energy, after all.


Each one of us equal at the core of it all.


Each one of us a literal god trapped in an animal suit.


(This is heresy isn’t it?


Good, smite me down, Patriarchal Sky Dad.


... No?


I’m gonna keep going then.)




We can all get back to power if we want to.


So just as if you were picking up a brand new language, start with the absolute basics. Strengthen your manifesting abilities by pulling small, simple things from the thought realm and into the physical. Pick things that you’re detached from, situations where the outcome is essentially meaningless.


Take the steps, exercise the muscles, practice you meditation, drink some fucking water and start living like the magickal creature you really are trapped underneath all of the things they told you to be.

