

That’s the whole point, right? 

Even if you’re here because you want love, money, fame, or a new car, you chose to start here because you believed that it would take power to bring these things about. Whatever it is that you’re trying to attain, the regular world isn’t serving it up to you fast enough so you’ve decided to take power into your own hands and make shit happen. 

Congratulations, you’ve just stepped out of the victim mentality. 

Now that you’ve identified a need for power and decided to take control over your life, where do you begin?

Everyone wants magick to gratify them instantly, so if you’re a total novice you might jump right into the spell you found on the interest that aligns most specifically, you maybe even change a few words or versus and you’re feeling like a real witch now, so you cast your spell and nothing happens. Okay, you were prepared for this, you are aware of the limits of the physical reality and you did read a snippet that said it would take a few days and you’re patient so you wait, and you wait, and then you wait some more, but still nothing has happened. Well, that’s not entirely true, one thing has happened; you’ve just become a non-believer and all because of one key thing:

You forgot to turn your power switch on, babe. 

If you’re brand new to magick you have yet to step into your power and connect with your own divinity. For me, the divine power of creation came to me under the nym “Source”, so it’s the one you’ll most commonly see/hear me use, but I’m here to give advice and insight, not to color your perspective so don’t let my terminology put up blocks for you. Whether you refer to this energy as God, Goddess, Universe, etc, makes absolutely no difference to me because regardless of how we label it it’s all the same thing: divine power of creation. If you have yet to define this for yourself, explore your own power and figure out how it presents itself and what that means for you and your experience, you’re a long way from casting effective magick. To put it simply,


How can you? Like I said, you haven’t turned your switch on yet. 

If you don’t do this and you practice magick you will fail and then you will validate the doubt and the programming in your mind that says magick isn’t real, when the reality is that countless people just have no idea what they are doing. It’s really easy to believe something isn’t real when you can’t prove it to yourself and it’s much easier to believe something isn’t real than you failing at it, this is the trick of our Ego.

And the real kicker is that as conscious creators we define our reality so if we believe it isn’t real we’re not going to experience it. Magick only comes to people who put their power into it, it’s a RELATIONSHIP. And since most don’t seem to know what that means anymore lemme just clarify, we’re talking about EQUAL GIVE AND TAKE.

Magick ignores the non-believers just as the non-believers ignore magick. 

So if you don’t turn your power on you prove to yourself that magick isn’t real, because you aren’t letting yourself use it, and you give into your pre-programmed limits of reality. Stop letting others tell you what to think. Do this right, do the literal years of work it takes to get good at this shit, and live for yourself, let your power be expressed freely, it feels so much better.

Most people don’t do this because they’re afraid of being judged but, look. We only have one life just like this, even if you believe in reincarnation it’ll never be quiet like this again.

So we might as well get real fuckin weird with it.


Why Vision Boards Work


The Practice of Manifestation