The Age of Aquarius

On November 19th Pluto moved into Aquarius. For the last year or so, Pluto has been dancing between Capricorn and Aquarius thanks to its retrograde, but it has finally settled into the sign of Aquarius where it will remain until March 8, 2043. Pluto is the harbinger of change. Associated with life, death, and rebirth, Pluto is all about transformation and overcoming obstacles, and destruction. As a generational planet, it only changes signs every 12-30 years, and when it does so it shifts the energy of the entire collective. Pluto hasn’t been in the sign of Aquarius since the 1700’s, and one notable event that took place under this transit was the Age of Enlightenment. 

This age took up most of the 18th century and it brought about big changes in humanity. Ideas like natural rights, liberty, and the separation of powers were promoted. This brought about the American and French revolution, as well as the Industrial Revolution. As a zodiac, Aquarius is known for its humanitarianism and unique thinking. When we see this energy influence the entire collective, it can really shake things up.

Before entering Aquarius, Pluto was in Capricorn and this placement caused us to challenge the status quo. We began to rethink existing power structures and dismantle outdated belief systems, not only in politics and government, but within the human psyche as well, such as gender roles and how we defined success. This rethinking and the destruction of the old has paved the way for a whole new wave to come in during Pluto’s upcoming time in Aquarius. There is no doubt that this period will lead to radical transformations, but it is up to us to guide and direct that energy within our own lives and within the collective. We are being given an opportunity that we haven’t seen in over two hundred years that will set the tone for generations to come. With great power comes great responsibility, and we would be wise to use this time to think of a much bigger picture outside of ourselves. 

We are likely to see a new world born out of Pluto in Aquarius, and it is best not to resist the change. Change is the only constant in this life and we cannot hold onto the way that things were without missing out on the way that things are. It is natural for us to romanticize the past, but it is prudent for us to stay mindful of the fact that things often are not as we remember them. Every time we reach for a memory we affect it with our current emotional state, and this causes our memories to be a bit unreliable. Your energy would be better spent improving the now than living in the past which only exists in your mind.  

Change can be frightening, but it can also be beautiful. Pluto in Aquarius will likely optimize that potential for beautiful new things and bring us a better, more inclusive world due to Aquarius’s humanitarian energies. Aquarius is also known for its unique energy, and this transit could bring us things we have never seen before, just as it did with the Renaissance and the Industrial Revolution. Over the next couple of decades we could be in store for some fascinating new modern advancements in technology and medicine, as well as within human relationships and our relationship to the world around us. It is an exciting time to be alive and we’re out here on the leading edge of humanity!

If you would like to bring some of these changes into your personal experience, now is a great time to connect with Hades, the deity of Pluto. To some, this may sound scarier than change itself, but it’s important to remember that not everything is as it seems. The gods work in our lives all the time, and there is no need to fear the god of transformation. I can assure you, he is not what you have been made to believe. If you choose to work with Hades, here are some ideas for offerings:



Oak Moss





Hades will also accept offerings in the form of energy. To do this, simply rub your hands together to create heat and turn your palms upward to release your energy while envisioning your connection to this god. To ensure Hades has heard you, you can also bang your hands on the ground three times before and/or after your ritual. 

Some may choose to commune with Persephone instead of Hades, and this can do the trick as well. It is best to do whatever you’re most comfortable with. Some offerings to Persephone include:





Grain Seeds


 - For the hunters, now is a great time to save small tokens from your deer, such as fur, parts of the hooves, or bones to use in current times or future rituals. 

However you choose to greet the new energies in the world, I wish you many blessings and good fortune. I cannot wait to see where this exciting transist takes all of us.

Enjoy the New Age, my friends!




Healing Through Your Chiron Placement