



Ether, Spirit, Collective Consciousness, Infinite Intelligence, Higher-self


Crystals, candles


Selenite, Clear Quartz

Source is the fifth element, pointed to by the top of the pentacle.

Witches have been working with a higher power for eons and without it, we wouldn’t be able to conjure magick.

The Source is responsible for everything. Without the Source we wouldn’t have the elements or the Universe to play in. The Source is thought to be our creator, whatever that looks like to you.

The Source generates magick and power for us through our alignment with it, also known as our alignment with our Higher-self. When we’re connected with the Source we have access to all of the energies of the Universe, and through our disciplined direction we can use these energies to bring about our strongest will.

Generally, in ritual practices, Selenite is one of the best crystals we can use to represent the Source, but you can also use candles or totems to pay homage to the Source in your workings.

We would have nothing to practice with if it weren’t for the Source, so it is wise to conjure it often.

The Five Elements - The Wicked Witch of the Web