The High Priestess

II - Two

 A “Maybe” card

Element: Earth

Dominant Energy: Feminine

Zodiac: Cancer

Ruling Planet: The Moon

Deity/Deities: Demeter, Selne, Artemis, Hecate

Crystals: Aquamarine, Labradorite

Kabbalistic Letter:


Path on the Tree of Life:

Kether (Crown) to Tipheret (Beauty) 


Upright: Hidden knowledge, inner world, intuition, wisdom, mystery

Reversed: Secrets, dissonance, psychic blocks, lack of trust


The High Priestess is regarded as the most mysterious card in the deck. As an ancient oracle, she is a symbol of hidden knowledge. She represents pure Triple Goddess energy; the divine feminine. She is here to guide us through the dual nature of the human experience and educate us on how to balance and blend opposites in our lives. As Hecate was a guide to the Underworld, so too is the High Priestess a guide to the deeper self. She encourages us to develop our intuition and monitor our dreams so that we are able to strengthen our connection to the spiritual realm and walk between worlds. She calls forth the shadow side in each one of us and challenges us to create balance within ourselves.


Upright Interpretation:

You’re connecting into the spirit realm and allowing yourself to be guided toward the appropriate internal changes. You know that you’re in alignment and you’re educated enough to use this to your benefit. You may feel called to withdraw and tune into yourself to hear what your soul is really trying to tell you. Don’t be afraid to connect with your night side at this time. Embrace all aspects Source has to offer you.

Important Note:

The High Priestess may be an indication that something is hidden. Someone may be keeping you in the dark or concealing information. Pay close attention to your intuition at this time. If something feels off it’s because it is. The High Priestess is here to remind us that we need to trust our knowing. 

Reversed Interpretation:

You may be hiding things from yourself. Something within you is begging to be brought into the light. You can feel this pull- don’t be afraid to embrace it. Most things must be worked through rather than gone around. I.e. You’ve gotta feel it it to heal it.

Wicked Perspective: 

The High Priestess represents first and foremost secret knowledge. She is in deep connection with the spiritual realm, a frequent visitor to the Hall of Akashic Records, and a strong force of feminine energy. She is no stranger to the cyclic nature of life and she embraces each new endeavor as well as the death of it with grace and understanding. She reminds us to listen because we hold all of the answers within.