The Moon

The moon is considered one of the most powerful forces to affect magickal energy. You can use lunar timing to enhance your magick by choosing the most constructive moon phase and zodiac for your intentions.

It takes 28 days for the Moon to orbit one full turn around the Earth, so it spends about 2 to 2.5 days in each Zodiac sign.

The Moon is always affecting us, sending us energy from whichever Zodiac sign is currently ruling it. Think of the Moon like a giant mirror in this case; it’s reflecting onto Earth the energy it’s playing with in the sky.

Since the Moon rules the unconscious, it’s likely to stir up energies and emotions buried deep within the human subconscious. It’s better to flow with the tides and allow things to surface so that you can decide whether to keep or discard them.

Dark Moon Magick

A time to break or bind.

Some say magickal workings are ill-advised during this time. 

Some say this is a potent time for your most destructive magick. 

I.e. destroying or banishing powerful things such as unwanted energies, addictions, or serious diseases. 

Do not use this time “lightly” - there’s great power under this lunar influence

A good time for soul searching or divination as this is a time of the moon looking in on itself.
Goddess Influence: The Crone

New Moon Magick 

The New Moon is a fresh start, so it’s a great time to release all old patterns, belief systems, and anything else that does not serve us. Best time for magick pertaining to the subject of new beginnings.

Take this time to freshen up your energy space. A wonderful time for cleaning and cleansing.

Goddess Influence: The Maiden

Waxing Crescent Moon Magick 

A time for growth.

The moon is growing during this phase. The entire waxing period is ideal for constructive magick; the kind that builds things and brings things to us.

A good time for improvement of the self, conjuring energies like positive attitude, greater understanding/knowing.

“Creatives find this to be the best time for spells/meditations that bring inspiration and passion to their work/connects them to their muse.”

Goddess Influence: The Maiden

First Quarter Moon Magick 

Energies are most conducive to attraction at this time.

Drawing things in; things outside of yourself to you

Good time for bonding, finding lost or needed things; acquiring 

Ideal time for attracting people

Goddess Influence: The Maiden

Waxing Gibbous Moon Magick

Constructive magick, best used for ‘reeling in’ (fishing from the moon) what you’ve been working toward. This phase is great energy for renewing strength and gives us a major power boost.

Goddess Influence: The Mother

Full Moon Magick 

This is a time for magick relating to the heart’s desires.

Most powerful of all lunar cycles. Utilize extra power.

Goddess Influence: The Mother

Waning Gibbous Moon Magic


The waning energies of the moon repel rather than attract. Good time to get rid of things. Minor banishings, cleansing, closure. Good time for introspection

Goddess Influence: The Mother

Third Quarter Moon Magick

This phase offers energies to help overcome obstacles. Aiding in transitions

Goddess Influence: The Crone

Waning Crescent Moon Magick

This phase is best suited for clearing. A time to remove stress, negativity, strife, chaos, etc.

Suitable for stronger banishings. If you need something to end, this is the time. 

Goddess Influence: The Crone

Remember, magickal science isn’t exact; energies are always changing, being influenced. Learn the basics but practice, experiment, and adapt to your own magick.

Moon Magick Through the Zodiac

Moon in Aries: Authority, will power, rebirth

Moon in Taurus: Love, real estate, money

Moon in Gemini: Communication, public relations, travel

Moon in Cancer: Domestic life, honoring lunar deities

 Moon in Leo: External power, expression, courage, child birth

Moon in Virgo: Employment, health, intellectual matters, organization, systematic

Moon in Libra: Court cases, partnerships, artistic matters, balance

Moon in Scorpio: Secrets, power, psychic growth, transformation, destruction

Moon in Sagittarius: Publications, sports, truth, drive

Moon in Capricorn: Career, politics, ambition

Moon in Aquarius: Science, freedom, personal expression, solutions, friendship 

Moon in Pisces: Music, telepathy, clairvoyance, money