Protection Jar


  • A small jar

  • Black spell candle


  • Basil

  • Bay leaves

  • Black salt

  • Bone fragments

  • Cummin

  • Cloves

  • Dead sea salt

  • Egg shell powder

  • Frankinscense

  • Garlic

  • Lavender oil

  • Mugwort

  • Onion

  • Red brick dust

  • Rose

  • Rosemary

  • Sage

  • Salt from the salt flats


  • Clear quartz

  • Obsidian/Onyx


To be used durning preparation of ingredients, while filling the jar, and at the end, if you please.


I call upon Source

Summon every dark horse

Protect me with pure dragon’s fire

Leave my enemies to the pyre

I am safe and I am free

This is my will, so mote it be


Source ego invocabo

Equus niger convocabo

Draco purus ignis protege

Rogo severa meis!

Salvum me et libera me

Hoc volo, sic fiat semper


Grind/mix ingredients together with mortar and pestle or by hand.

Place black candle in jar, carve any keywords/sigils into it before placing, lit.

Add mix to jar

Cap and seal once candle has burned down and jar is filled.


Envision or speak what you want protection from/against/for while filling jar. Visualization is a key practice for effective spells so find the feeling and focus on it.