Black Salt

Black Salt Recipe:

2 Parts Sea Salt

1 Part Scrapings from cast iron skillet/fire ash from fire pit, or charcoal

1 Part Black Pepper*

Black Salt Uses:

Cleanings, banishing, protection, Keeps away watchers, Protective, banishing, fire energy, crone or triple goddess, dark moon workings, warding, crossings, and bindings.

Uses Continued:

Mitigate Mercury Retrograde effects

Add to floor/window wash to cleanse

Add to bathwater for depression, anger, negative emotions

Protective line cast over threshold to keep out unwanted company

Thrown into fire with written worries/fears/doubts to cleanse yourself and release these negative energies

Sprinkle on items to break attachments and release old memories.

Cast over yard, office, or doorstep to make people leave you alone.