
XX - Twenty


A “Yes” card

Element: Fire

Dominant Energy: Masculine

Ruling Planet: Pluto

Crystals: Azurile, Clear Quartz

Chakra: Crown

Kabbalistic Letter: Shin

Path on the Tree of Life:

Hod (Glory) to Malkuth (Kingdom) 


Upright: Awakening, reckoning, revival, self-awareness 

Reversed: Doubt, disconnection, unawareness, ignorance

Upright Interpretation:

You may be in for a sudden awakening or have recently experienced one. New channels in life have opened up and you’re ready to explore them with Source in your corner. You have connected with your most authentic self and you’re free to live openly as such. You’re about to step into a new phase and you’re being encouraged to follow your highest joy. 

Important Note: 

After the Judgement comes the next lesson. 

Reversed Interpretation:

You’re lacking clarity which is causing bad judgement. You’re in a place of resistance and your energy reserves may feel depleted. Take advantage of this time and use it to rest and reconnect with yourself. Step back and look inward for a deeper insight on the situation.

Wicked Perspective:

A judgement of the self is a judgement of Source. This card represents clarity and becoming conscious of the reality before you. You’ve connected with Source.