Cuminum cyminum
Wicked Overview
Cumin is a powerful herb for attraction of all kinds.
Cumin can add intensity to your life, relationships, and your dreams.
There are many potential uses for Cumin and you will find only some of them here.
The ideas shared below are meant to awaken your own inspiration and to help you along your path.
Magickal Correspondences
Aries, Mars
Masculine / Day / Yang
Ruby, Red Jasper, Tiger’s Eye, Black Tourmaline, Carnealian
Good for:
Attraction, abundnce, heat, passion, soul spark, love, lust, flavor for life, spice, intensity, protection, fidelity
Protects Against:
Enemies, disatisfaction, cold energy (cold shoulder), negativity, watchers, infidelity, disconnection
Natural Remedies:
Cumin paste can clear up acne and skin inflammation.
Cumin in the diet can help with digestion.
Cumin and honey can help with muscus build up in the lungs.
Cumin can help with sleep.
Cumin seeds have anti-cancer properties and can protect against all kinds of cancers.
Cumin in the diet can promote weightloss.
Magickal Tips:
Add Cumin to a satchet placed under the pillow to improve sleep and add intensity to dreams.
Add Cumin to love workings to increase passion and faithfulness.
Cumin can be added to rituals about finding oneself to help you discover and develop your soul’s passion and purpose.
Cumin can de-ice relationships and connections after they’ve grown cold.
Cumin in the diet or in rituals can add an extra spice to your life.
Cumin Fresh Herb
Vitamins: A,, C, B6
Minerals: Calcium, Iron, Magnesium, Phosphorus,
Growing Notes:
Conditions: Full sun.
Annual: Completes its cycle in one year - dies in the winter.
Soil: Fertile, well-drained soil, sandy loam with a pH of 7.0-7.5.
Propagating: Seeds.
Watering: Water root base and allow them to dry out almost completely before watering again.
Plant with: Dill, and any plants that may attract insects as the scent of Cumin will repel them.
Dogs and cats can have small amounts of cumin.
Can cause upset stomach.