The Sacral Chakra
“One’s Own Dwelling”
Color: Orange
Location: Pubic bone, center of lower belly.
Element: Water Sound: VAM
Path of the Tree of Life: Yesod
Crystals: Orange Calcite, Sunstone, Peach Aventurine, Tiger’s Eye, Goldtone, Amber
Oils/Incense/Herbs: Jasmine, Ylang-Ylang, Patchouli, Sandalwood, Orange, Nutmeg, Clary Sage, Fennel
Affirmation/Mantra: “I feel”
Passion, sexuality, intimacy, money, creativity, joy, and adventure.
This is the chakra of connection and it governs the relationship with the self and with others. It also influences the reproductive systems. It is through this chakra that we experience basic human connection with ourselves and those around us. Nicknamed “The Sex Chakra” (but so much more than that), the Sacral Chakra emulates creative energy and allows us to put ourselves into the world through our actions and creations.
Signs of a Balanced Sacral Chakra:
Creativity, joy, sexuality, healthy sex life, prosperity, patience, fertility, pleasure
Signs of an Imbalanced Sacral Chakra:
Reproductive issues, kidney and stomach issues, and lower back problems . One may be closed off, uncomfortable in their own skin, low self-esteem, feeling ashamed of their sexuality, experiencing creativity blocks or a lack of creativity. One may also feel guilty, shy, irresponsible, or may be infertility. Could also result in sexual issues, being emotionally closed off, and/or unwilling to connect. Other symptoms include allergies, fear of pleasure, lack of creativity, fatigue, lack of desire, insecurity, detachment, and being inauthentic.
Overactive Symptoms of the Sacral Chakra
Feeling overwhelmed, emotional, mood swings, and codependency. Heightened sex drive, feeling or being clingy; seeking deep affection, intimacy, etc
How the Sacral Chakra Gets Blocked:
Stress, social anxiety, negative social experiences, and fear.
How to Clear/Open/Balance the Sacral Chakra:
Connecting with water
Color therapy:
This includes eating orange foods, meditating on the color orange, and wearing orange clothing or jewelry.
Foods/Diet to Balance the Sacral Chakra:
Pumpkin Peaches Oranges Carrots
Mango Apricots Sweet Potatoes
Orange Peppers Cantaloupe
Yoga Poses to Balance the Sacral Chakra:
Child’s Pose Low Lunge Side Angle
Goddess Pose Wide-Leg Fold
Standing Knee-to-Chest
Garland Pose