The bringer of significant change.
Lunar Eclipse
Revels what’s been hidden.
Releases the old.
Increases intuitive awareness.
Good time for divination.
Increases Psychic Awareness.
Solar Eclipse
New beginnings
When the fog is thick and things are hidden, it becomes a powerful time to work with the unconscious self and practice alchemey. Under the cover of fog, you can also practice defense magick and concealing spells.
Hot Weather
When the weather is hot, passions are high, making for an energetic time that corresponds with stability, defense, and endurance.
Rain washes the old away, cleansing and rejuvenating the planet and its inhabitants. This is a powerful time for banishing, cleansing, and discharging, as well as recovering and healing.
Thunder & Lightening Storms
These types of conditions bring with them a dominant energy, ensuring a powerful time for defense magick, hexing, and manifesting.
Shooting Stars
Make a Wish
With these come positive advances, desires, magick, strength, and wonders.
Strong Winds
Heavy wind storms bring in power and remove negativity. As air governs the mental realms, strong wind storms are also a wonderful time for learning, connections, and communications.
Snow Storms
The magick of transfiguration, as well as harmony, peace, release, and change.