“I am the Witch and my word is law”
Words are pure magick. We are constantly speaking things into existence.
I’ve noticed a curious thing throughout my years of magickal study… When I was small and scouring the internet for magickal information I was able to find thousands of spells, however as I poke around the internet now I find cheap incantations sold for high dollars and I can’t help but scoff. Not only are these “spells” marked up well beyond their worth, they’re almost all 100% ineffective. This is purely because they are typically written in the future tense, which is a huge detriment to manifestation. I’m going to try to make this as simple as possible:
If you put your manifestations in the future, forever in the future they will stay.
What is has already manifested. I will say this a hundred times over; The Physical Realm is the last plane intentions/vibrations manifest on. This means that the reality you’re experiencing has already happened; the now is already in the past.
If you’re trying to create something, you have to vibrate with its frequency in order to pull it into your reality, or rather, to place yourself within the very real reality where your creation already exists. If you’re using a chant that states something “will be” or something “is coming”, for example, you’re not allowing yourself to get into the headspace of allowing it to happen.
Using future tense in a spell is putting up resistance to your intentions.
You wanna know how to spot a fake witch who’s trying to capitalize on your magickal failure? She or he will push you spells that speak of intentions in the future tense. As with anything else, there’s no money in a “cure”. To keep your Magick ineffective is to keep you using their faulty product. No successful or self-respecting witch would offer you a spell that is certain to fail. Anyone with a true grasp on the laws of this universe knows that this life is abundant, and that success for you is success for us all because we are all part of the conscious collective. We are only as strong as our weakest link; we cannot ascend if we leave our co-creators in the dark.
I believe in free knowledge and I know that there’s plenty of magick, abundance, success, love, etc to go around for each and every being in existence. It’s the Ego that keeps us stingy, and part of my mission is to help us all transcend the binds that this part of the self that keeps us in. I seek the ultimate freedom for myself and all my fellow beings of Source energy. This means coming clean about magick in a public form that’s easy for all to access.
In due time I will be offering up, free of charge, effective spells (that actually fucking rhyme) for all to use. However, I highly recommend that you use them for inspiration and tweak them to fit within your own reality. Your magick works best when it is purely imbued with your energy.
In the meantime remember this:
Sloppy thinking is the death to all magick.