Two of Wands

A “Yes” card



Astrological Influence:

Mars in Aries

Numerological Significance:



Upright: Balance, persistence, confidence, energy, caution

Reversed: Obstacles, opposition, unforeseen variables, decision making


Following the path started by the ace, the Two of Wands signifies wealth and good fortune, but it’s also indicative of unexpected factors. There may be something delaying the seeds planted with the ace that require tending to before you can move forward.

Upright Interpretation:

The Two of Wands upright challenges you to take the next step. You may feel as though the world is in your hands and the possibilities are endless, but something is holding you back. Examine your position and plan for the best interest of your intentions. Stay grounded in your efforts but follow your desires to explore and experiment with the Universe. Remain open-minded and ready to make choices when possibilities arise.

Important Note: 

Stay grounded in your efforts but follow your desires to explore and experiment with the Universe. 

Reversed Interpretation: 

The ace in reverse signifies that you may be feeling overwhelmed by the intentions set with the ace, or you may find that not everything was quiet as it seemed when you started out on this endeavor. The two reversed cautions of surprise, but challenges you to release your fear of the unknown. Pay attention to what you have placed your energy in; loose ends create tangles if you aren’t conscious of them. If you find yourself feeling directionless, now is the time to evaluate where you are and where you want to be, but stay mindful not to slip into a critical headspace and overanalyze.

Wicked Perspective:

Two in the suit of wands is, as I’ve mentioned, a challenging card. Twos call upon us to balance while the fire of the wands pushes us into action; this card is akin to walking a tightrope. The vibration of your current reality is calling on you to move forward quickly and with precision, careful to avoid any hidden pitfalls. This is a beautiful time to play with Source, just stay mindful of the height of the flames.