Two of Swords 

A “Maybe” card



Astrological Influence: 

Moon in Libra

Numerological Significance: 



Upright: Ignorance, resistance, waiting, blockages

Reversed: Deceit, duplicity, anxiety, hesitation


The Two of Swords is a card of stasis.

Upright Interpretation: 

When this card appears it signifies stasis or a block in the course. It is likely that two choices are keeping you from advancing. You may feel resistant to making a decision, or you may not be considering all of the factors at hand. Now is the time to gather information. You may be questioning what to do, but you know what you want. Speak up, communicate your desires openly and clearly. This will help highlight the right path or perhaps even remove some of your obstacles. 

Important Note: 

Don’t speak against your desires. 

Reversed Interpretation: 

The situation may be out of your control or the decision at hand may not feel like a choice at all. The Two of Swords in reverse often indicates anxiety, or it could be a sign that you’re experiencing deceit or disloyalty in your world. Take a step back. It’s okay to wait things out and weigh the choices once you have all of the facts. 

Wicked Perspective:

The Two of Swords signifies a difficult time for the querent. Life is a constant process of sifting and sorting and as such sometimes we must make decisions that can alter our course. This can be frightening since we as humans like to stick with what we know. When this card appears, give yourself an ego check and see what’s holding you back. Source energy cannot flow to you if you are living in resistance and if you’re feeling confused you’re at a discord with your inner being. Take a timeout and get back in touch. You know what’s best.