Two of Pentacles 

A “Maybe” card



Astrological Significance:

Jupiter in Capricorn

Numerological Significance: 



Upright: Balance, cycles, energy exchange, resources

Reversed: Imbalance, doubt, financial troubles, overwhelm


This is a card of give and take.


The Two of Pentacles represents the constant ebb and flow of energy in the universe and in our personal lives. At this time, you are balanced with your energies, both in what you give and what you receive. You’re flowing in sync with universal energies at this time and you’re trusting in your own resources and in your abilities to provide for yourself.

Important Note: 

Life is a tightrope; it’s a balancing act.


When the Two of Pentacles comes forward in the reversed position it can be indicative of overwhelmed and split energies. You may be spreading yourself too thin at this time, or you may not have all of the resources needed to complete every task before. Take this time to evaluate what is truly important to you and place your focus there. Trust that everything else will line up accordingly when the vibration is right.

Wicked Perspective:

This card reminds us of the juggling life demands from us. The Two of Pentacles is all about being able to balance your energies in accordance with whatever life is calling upon you to do at this time. Know that the power and the decisions are in your hands and it’s all up to you. Follow your intuition and go forward only with what feels right. Our energy is a renewable resource, but at times it is finite. Spend it wisely.