
Throat Chakra

Throat Chakra .jpg

“Essentially Pure”

Color: Indigo

Location: Throat, between the collar bones.

Element: Ether/Sound     Sound: HAM

Path on the Tree of Life:

Chesed and Gevurah

Crystals: Sodalite, Blue Calcite, Blue Kyanite, Agelite, Blue Turquoise, Apatite,

Oils: Basil, Bergamot, Chamomile, Cypress, Eucalyptus, Lemon, Peppermint, Spearmint, Tea Tree


“I speak” (into existence) 


Communication, self-expression, inner voice, translation, expression


This is the chakra of communication. Through the Throat chakra we our able to express our truth and our integrity into the physical realm. 

Signs of a Balanced Throat Chakra:

Confidence in communication, truthful, loyalty and dedication,  strong self-expression, confident speaking, clear communication

Signs of an Imbalanced Throat Chakra:

Excessive fear of speaking, small voice, difficulty communicating thoughts and feelings, excessive secretive-ness or shyness, lack of connection with a vocation or purpose in life, headaches, pain or tension in jaw and/or neck, chronic sore throat, mouth ulcers, dental issues

Signs of an Overactive Throat Chakra:

Negative self-talk, loud inner critic, excessive talking, inability to control the volume of one’s voice

How the Throat Chakra Gets Blocked: 

Social backlash, feelings of unworthiness, lack of confidence, negative speaking experiences.

How to Balance/Clear/Open the Throat Chakra :


Color therapy: This includes eating blue foods, meditating on the color blue, and wearing blue clothing or jewelry.

Foods/Diet to Balance the Throat Chakra:

Water  Plums

Blueberries Blackberries

Coconut water Herbal Teas

Raw Honey

Yoga Poses to Balance:

Cobra Fish

Shoulder Stand
