Three of Wands
A “Yes” card
Astrological Influence:
Sun in Aries
Numerological Significance:
Upright: Expansion, confidence, momentum, manifestations, co-creation
Reversed: Obstacles, failures, oppression, surprise, disappointments
After the challenges and decisions brought on by the two, the Three of Wands indicates confidence in the present stance.
Upright Interpretation:
The querent is committed to their current position and is planning ways to not only maintain their security but expand their vision. This is a time of quick progress with steady momentum. Your intentions and desires are manifesting and you’re in alignment with your Source.
Important Note:
Be wary of a bullhead and a closed mind.
Reversed Interpretation:
Your resistance may be manifesting into obstacles or failed endeavors. If things aren’t working out retract your energy and allow the situation to rest and neutralize. If you’ve been in the planning phases of something now is the time to take action.