Three of Swords 

A “No” card



Astrological Influence: 

Mercury in Cancer

Numerological Significance: 



Upright: Pain, separation, heartache, resistance

Reversed: Compromise, acceptance, healing, relief


This is a card of severance and sorrow around the situation. 

Upright Interpretation: 

The Three of Swords indicates the pain felt by a pierced heart. Something has caused you deep distress and you may be dealing with the discomfort by isolating.  This card indicates the need to “feel it to heal it”; you must accept the situation and the hurt that it has caused you in order to process and release it. It’s necessary to feel your feelings, just don’t get stuck in them. 

Important Note: 

Communicate your emotions; don’t keep them locked inside where they can poison you.

Reversed Interpretation: 

The three in reverse signifies a resistance to letting go. You’re trying to keep the situation alive and depleting your own resources in doing so. Accept the truth of the situation, release the swords, and heal the wounds. 

Wicked Perspective:

This card is often interpreted as representing a love triangle but my viewpoint is a little different. In my Universe bad things tend to come in threes and I see this card as the last straw; three strikes and you’re out. We can only take so much from the people we love before we have to remove ourselves for our own safety and well-being. Whichever lens you view this card under, it still signifies that need to accept the severance and let the situation go. Life is what we make it, people and things are only the meanings we give them. We can learn to change the meanings and adapt to different circumstances, and it will be a challenge but it is better to move forward than stay stuck somewhere you don’t belong.