Three of Cups

A “Yes” card



Astrological Influence: 

Mercury in Cancer

Numerological Significance:



Upright: Harvest, fertility, celebration, success

Reversed: Endings, isolation, strong emotions, negativity


This is a card of celebration and completion.

Upright Interpretation: 

When the Three of Cups appears it can signify the celebration of something worked for. Your difficult journeys have come to an end and you’ve come up with rewards. Now is the time to appreciate yourself and those around you for the energies sacrificed to this venture. Connect with your co-creators and find joy in mutual support.

Important Note: 

Practice giving power to healthy emotions.

Reversed Interpretation: 

The Three of Cups in the reversed position may be showing up to let you know that the party is over. You may find yourself distracted. Now is the time to focus in on your desires and align yourself with the right vibration in order to manifest them. The work isn’t over.

Wicked Perspective:

This is a card of success earned only after time and energy was sacrificed for the desired outcome. Whatever project you’ve completed has reshaped your reality and now is the time to practice appreciation for all energies involved. Enjoy this time of harvest and celebrate passionately,  but remember that this life is a journey and the work is never finished. Stay mindful not to get too carried away so as not to backslide on your progress.