The Wheel of Fortune

X - Ten 

A β€œYes” card

Element: Fire

Dominant Energy: Masculine


Ruling Planet: Jupiter


Crystals: Aventurine, Serpenline

Kabbalistic Letter: Kaph

Path on the Tree of Life:

Chesed (Mercy) to Metzach (Victory)


Upright: Cycles, karma, fate, fortune

Reversed: Control, repetition, scarcity, negative forces


The eight spokes of the wheel represent the eight sabbaths that mark the ever-turning wheel of the year. This card signifies luck, life cycles, major karmic events, fate, fortune, luck, and the unpredictability of life.

Upright Interpretation:

The Wheel represents the wheel on which the Fates spin the threads of life, reminding us that we are all at the mercy of their unpredictable nature. It often comes to us as a message to sit within the eye of the storm, surrender to life and let the chaos pass around us. This card is a reminder that every intense activity must be followed by a time of rest. This card tells that you have taken action, Source has heard you, and now is the time to step into a state of allowance. 

Important Note:

Surrender your control and take time to look at the patterns in your life, this card is representative of cycles.

Reversed Interpretation:

You cannot control which way the wheel turns any more than you can control which way the wind blows. You may be standing in your own way by refusing to make changes, stopping the wheel. Release control and surrender to the ways of the Universe. 

Wicked Perspective: 

The Wheel of Fortune is constantly spinning, bringing in new energies and releasing the old ways as it spins. This card is a reminder to allow the energy around you to flow unobstructed and without judgment.