The Tower 

XVI - 16


A “No” card

Ruling Planet: Mars

Crystals: Obsidian, Ruby

Kabbalistic Letter: Peh

Path on The Tree of Life:

Netzach (Victory) to Hod (Glory)


Upright: Change, destruction, purification, crumbling of the outdated 

Reversed: Avoidance, course correction, transition, denile

Upright Interpretation:

The Tower appears in a reading to show us the need to discard old thought patterns that no longer serve us. This is about overthrowing outdated ideals and tearing down a false belief system. Destruction makes way for the birth of new things. This is a time to re-examine the way you relate to the world and how you manifest your reality so that you can access the best frequency for you. 

Important Note: 

Flow with the cycles of life; out with the old, in with the new.

Reversed Interpretation:

You may be resisting change or turning a blind eye to things that need to be adjusted. Things cannot stay the same forever. Let go.

Wicked Perspective:

After awakening to the naked truth, the Devil shed light on, it’s time for the Fool to destroy whatever is no longer working in service to Source. Many souls get stuck around the idea of destruction, only able to view it through the lens of fear, but it is important to remember that with destruction comes purification and a deep cleansing that could have never been possible with structures of outdated ideals in the way.