The Sun

XIX - Nineteen   

A β€œYes” card

Element: Fire

Dominant Energy: Masculine

Zodiac: Leo

Ruling Planet: Sun

Deity: Zeus

Crystals: Citrine, Sunstone

Chakra: Solar Plexus

Kabbalistic Letter: Resh

Path on The Tree of Life:

Hod (Glory) to Yesod (Foundation) 


Upright: Happiness, vitality, success, positivity

Reversed: Negativity, dissatisfaction, burn-out, defeat

Upright Interpretation: 

This is a card of positivity, success, and confidence. A constant source of life, The Sun represents vitality and strength, and when it appears you can trust that your intentions will manifest beautifully. Stay strong in your faith and allow your energy to flow freely. The Sun is also representative of the Divine Masculine. 

Important Note: 

Practice divine trust. 

Reversed Interpretation:

One of the highest vibrating cards in the deck, the Sun is never negative. This card in reverse may simply suggest a delay. Check on your energy channels and remove any blockages you may find.

Wicked Perspective:

This is a simple card. As sure as the Sun is in the sky, your inventions will manifest beautifully.