The Star

XVII -Seventeen

A β€œYes” card

Element: Air

Dominant Energy: Masculine 
Zodiac: Aquarius

Crystals: Azurile, Sodalite

Kabbalistic Letter: Tzaddi

Path on the Tree of Life:

Netzach (Victory) to Yesod (Foundation)


Upright: Healing, inspiration, regeneration, hope

Reversed: Despair, blockages, resistance, lack

Upright Interpretation:

The Star is representative of the life spark (soul spark)  burning within all of us; the center of our being. The appearance of this card is a sign that you are reconnecting to that part of yourself and a comforting cosmic hand on the shoulder, reassuring you that everything will be alright. 

Important Note: 

Trust in Source; trust in yourself.

Reversed Interpretation: 

You may be experiencing ego or energetic blockages. The Star in reverse represents stagnant energy and a lack of trust in yourself. If you are experiencing creative blocks, tempered joy, or lethargy about your life you may be in need of reconnection with your soul. Find ways to realign yourself with Source. 

Wicked Perspective:

This is a card of freedom, abundance, and light. The Star represents complete trust in oneself and a confidence in your connection with the energy of the Universe. A beautiful card of ascension, the Star reminds us the importance of self-love, inner peace, and divine trust.