The Magician

( The Alchemist)

 A “Yes” card

I - One

Element: Air

Dominant Energy: Masculine 

Zodiac: Aries

Ruling Planet: Mercury

Deity: Hermes

Fire Opal, Garnet

Kabbalistic Letter: Beth 

Path on the Tree of Life:

Second Path - Kether (crown) to Binah (understanding) 


Upright: Manifesting, personal power, opportunity, self-control

Reversed: Low vibration, self-doubt, insecurity, impatience, dissonance


The Magician represents the power to influence unseen forces by connecting with divine Source energy. He uses every element available to bring about his will, therefore blending together the world of the spiritual and the physical. The Magician is constantly manifesting and manipulating the physical realm by aligning it with the spiritual in order to achieve the desired results. This card is everything that witchcraft is about and it’s calling you to use your creativity to get what you aim for. The Magician reminds us that we already have all of the means necessary to make our dreams a reality, we just have to align with our power.

Upright Interpretation:

The Magician is a card of power and opportunity, indicating new beginnings and new choices. This card reminds us that we already have all of the necessary means to manifest our wildest dreams through the alchemy of energy work. You’re ready to take your life back into your own hands and you understand that you are no victim. You will lead if you must and you’re feeling ambitious. You’re open to divine inspiration and you can count on the Universe to provide. Trust in yourself and your power.

Important Note:

This card can indicate latent powers. You may not be fully aligned with Source at this time or you may be denying your own abilities. Look inward for clarity. 

Reversed Interpretation:

You may not be in the right state to make changes. Perhaps your vibration is low and now may be the time to look internally before making any decisions. Exercise patience at this time. Things will pick up again when you’ve realigned with the Universe. Step back into your power.

Wicked Perspective:

This card is representative of everything witchcraft is about. A card of major self-development, the Magician comes to remind us that we are all capable of tapping into the endless power Source energy has to offer by simply using that which is available to us. Be it the elements, our own inner reserves, or a breath of life from creation itself, we are able to alchemize all energy forms around us and use them to shape our reality the way that we see fit. This card calls you to unlock your inner potential and allow your creativity to roam free without the bounds of the Ego.