The Lovers  

VI - Six

A “Yes” card

Element: Air

Dominant Energy: Masculine 

Zodiac: Gemini

Ruling Planet: Mercury

Deity: Eros, Aphrodite
Crystals: Rhodocrosile, Ruby, Tourmaline

Kabbalistic Letter: Zayan

Path on the Tree of Life:

Binah (Understanding) to Tipheret (Beauty) 


Upright: Unions, connections, enlightenment, harmony

Reversed: Imbalance, discordance, detachment, strife


 This card could foretell either union or separation. At its heart, it is about the balance and harmony between opposites on an energetic level, regardless of the outcome. 

Upright Interpretation:

A card of attraction in any form, the Lovers ask for harmony and union so that all parties can benefit from the situation. Now is the time for cooperation. You may be at a crossroads in your life, struggling to fulfill your duties in all aspects of your life. This card appears to remind you that you are fluid, and you can unify the opposition within yourself. Doing so will put you in the right space to move forward with the happiness of all parties. 

Important Note:

This card almost always points to the need to heal a rift; now is the time to blend.This couldd also indicate a delay in a creative project due to insubordination. 

Reversed Interpretation:

The Lover’s in reverse often signifies that the querent is resolving internal conflict and learning how to balance all of the moving factors of themselves. This could also indicate a disconnect between separate parties or that you may be out of alignment with Source and your true self. 

Wicked Perspective:

 It is often forgotten that Eros (Cupid) had more purpose than sparking the madness of love; he was also tasked with guiding mortals toward their true destiny, and that never really looks the way we expect it to. This card is often misread for its superficial appearance and stigma. I want to take the interpretation of the Lover’s card away from being solely about ‘true love’ because it bears so many more important messages. It’s hard to explain but please understand that if you pull the Lover’s for the future outcome of a relationship it does not always indicate the union you may be wishing for but rather tells you that eventually the two (or possibly three) souls in question will eventually come to an energetic balance. In order to truly understand how it is applicable to your situation, pull for clarification.