The Devil 

XV - Fifteen 

A “No” card

Element: Earth

Dominant Energy: Feminine

Zodiac: Capricorn

Crystals: Obsidian, Onyx, Hematite

Kabbalistic Letter: Ayin

Path on The Tree of Life:

Tipheret (Beauty) to Hod (Glory)


Upright: Toxicity, depression, obsession, unhealthy attachments

Reversed: Obstacles, control, detachment, addiction


This card represents the shadow self, the devil within all of us. What are you using to hold yourself back?

Upright Interpretation:

When the Devil surfaces, it’s calling you to take a look at what you’re currently chained to. This card represents temptation, impulse, manipulation, and obsession. You may be trapped in the superficial expectations of the physical world, controlled by your urges, or you may find yourself in a battle for control. Now is a good time to take a look at where you’re putting your energy and where you’re getting it from. What’s holding you back? This may be indicative of a need to release addictions. 

Important Note:

This card can be viewed as the darker side of love and relationships or indicative of carnal desires and motives. 

Reversed Interpretation:

The Devil in reverse often signifies regaining your freedom. You may be discarding behaviors that no longer serve you, breaking restraints, and finding the humor in things. This card appears in reverse when your vibration is rising and you’re stepping into alignment with your highest joy. You’re breaking old cycles and resetting your reality.

Wicked Perspective:

The Devil is a message from the darkest parts of the shadow self. These are the matters that we don’t even want to acknowledge, our toxic patterns that keep us trapped in the same fruitless cycles even despite conscious attempts to break out of them. We don’t always realize what’s driving us to act, and our subconscious plays a bigger part in our motives than we account for, sabotaging us before we even get started, without our awareness. The Shadow is a powerful energy and the more you suppress the more you feed it so do what you can to make peace with your demons.