The Chariot  

VII - Seven

A “Yes” card

Element: Water

Dominant Energy: Feminine 

Zodiac: Cancer

Crystals: Chalcedony, Peridot

Kabbalistic Letter: Cheth

Path on the Tree of Life:

Binah (Understanding) to Gevurah (Power) 


Upright: Movement, determination, direction, pursuit

Reversed: Distracted, unmotivated, stagnant, closed off


Indicative of self-mastery, a card of transformation. Can be literally indicative of travel or transportation.

Upright Interpretation: 

You are abundant and resourceful in your pursuits. You’re in alignment with your soul’s highest joy and you’re moving forward with passion, unopposed on your path. You have melded together conflicting forces in your inner world, freeing yourself of ego restraints. Success is the only outcome for the situation at hand thanks to the unity you’ve created within yourself.  

Important Note:

There is speculation that the horses pulling the Chariot are moving in different directions. Be mindful of your energy and make sure you’re directing it correctly. 

Reversed Interpretation:

Things may be moving too quickly and they’re starting to get out of control. Your stress is a result of the conflict you’re battling on an internal level. You’re being called upon to make a choice and transform with the situation. 

Wicked Perspective:

This card often appears when we’ve been faced with a choice and we overcame the adversity in making our decision. It shows that you have chosen your direction despite conflicting forces and your mind can’t be changed at this time.