Ten of Wands 

A “No” card



Astrological Influence:  

Saturn in Sagittarius


Upright: Obligation, responsibility, efforts, strain 

Reversed: Release, reevaluation, boundaries


This card shows hard work toward the completion of something. 

Upright Interpretation: 

The Ten of Wands signifies overload. You may have taken on too much or you may find yourself unable to hold up your usual responsibilities. Everything feels like a burden right now, and the demands of others have you feeling like you’ve lost touch with yourself. You may be stretching yourself too thin.

Important Note: 

Reevaluate your energies and find ways to route them back to you.

Reversed Interpretation:

The Ten of Wands in reverse shows a release. Whether this is of tasks or responsibilities, the querent has set their limits and is exercising their boundaries. This is a time of focusing on the self and replenishing one’s own cup. This may manifest in the form of cutting ties, resigning from responsibilities, or a complete withdrawal from the situation. 

Wicked Perspective:

The Ten of Wands represents the sacrifices we make for our lives. Of course, this is something we all must do from time to time, but the Ten reminds you to focus your efforts on completion. We’re not meant to be stuck in one place for too long so if you find yourself spinning your wheels let yourself free of the situation and move on to things that better serve you.