Ten of Swords

A “No” card



Astrological Influence: 

Sun in Gemini


Upright: Pain, defeat, loss, devastation 

Reversed: Release, healing, hope, survival


This card signifies defeat but it presents a choice to either stay pinned or move on. 

Upright Interpretation: 

The Ten of Swords signifies a deep and excessive injury, and a reaction to match. Whatever has happened, the situation has caused you great pain and it’s taking its toll on you. However, tens mark the end of a cycle so rest assured knowing that whatever has been troubling you no longer has to stay active in your life. Don’t obsess over past wrongs, whether they’re yours or someone else’s. Allow yourself mental and emotional freedom.

Important Note: 

This is a card of excess. 

Reversed Interpretation: 

When this card appears in the reversed position it’s time to release your pain. Remove the swords so that the wounds can heal and move on.

Wicked Perspective:

Most of us have experienced a situation that has been pinned beneath our own emotional perception and reactions. The Ten of Swords signifies that it’s time to release whatever hurt we’re experiencing and allow ourselves time to heal through acceptance. Even as conscious creators, not everything can go exactly as planned and it’s okay to grieve your losses, but don’t get trapped in a place of resistance.