Ten of Cups

A “Yes” card



Astrological Influence: 

Mars in Pisces


Upright: Fulfillment, emotional security, harmony, happiness

Reversed: Delays, disputes, dysfunctional connections, disconnect


This is a card of harmony.

Upright Interpretation: 

The Ten of Cups foretells harmonious times with loved ones. It is a card of deep connection and satisfaction. A domestic card, this ten represents all the comforts of our one true home and calls you back to revel in all of its worth. Unconditional love, acceptance, and peace are signified by this card.

Important Note: 

This is a card of reaping what you’ve sown. Therefore, if your crop was mediocre, so too will be your harvest.

Reversed Interpretation: 

When the Ten of Cups comes to us in reverse, it signifies delays in manifestations. You may be lacking the mental and emotional security to bring about your desired outcomes at this time. Use this stall to clean up your vibration and release any blockages you may be holding against your intentions.

Wicked Perspective:

The Ten of Cups is considered to be a card of family, but from a higher state of consciousness, we can see its relation to the collective. The happiness it foretells is representative of our bond to Source and therefore our unbreakable connection to one another. When we are in alignment with this love energy anything is possible.