
X1V - Fourteen

 A “Yes” card

Element: Fire

Dominant Energy: Masculine

Zodiac: Sagittarius

Crystals: Amethyst, Malachite, Tektite


Kabbalistic Letter: Samekh

Path on The Tree of Life:

Tipheret (Beauty) to Yesod (Foundation)


Upright: Alignment, moderation, peace, acceptance.

Reversed: Discordance, imbalance, inner turmoil, resistance


This card represents your relationship with the divine and your ability to work with the energies around you.

Upright Interpretation:

When this card appears it is a message to blend the different aspects of your life. Ask yourself who’s really running the show, is it your Ego or your Higher-self? This card calls on you to alchemize the moving pieces of your life into a greater whole, while also cautioning the querent to practice patience as you may not be ready to move forward- parts of you are still too separate/going unacknowledged/Ignored/disrespected 

Important Note:

Now is the time for patience.

Reversed Interpretation: 

You may be feeling un-empowered. Step into allowance. Withdraw your influence from the situation at this time and re-examine. Pull yourself into balance and out of extremes. If you find that the situation is stalled, take a step back to look at the resistance around it. What can be adjusted to make room for a better flow of Source energy in your present life?

Wicked Perspective: 

Follow the path of least resistance and allow life to work around you. Now is the time to go with the flow.