Taming the Ego

Once you’ve learned to identify your ego and separate it from the voice of your intuition the next step is learning to tame the flares. No matter how much we practice mindfulness there’s always an opportunity for us to get swept away in the moment. When the Ego flares up the best thing you can do is detach yourself from the situation and allow yourself a little time to reflect.

Are you thoughts and actions in alignment with your intentions?

If not that’s alright. Retract from the situation and re-evaluate how best to focus your energy in order to achieve the desired outcome. Remember that the Ego doesn’t know anything, it’s job isn’t knowledge, it’s job is reaction. Only the Higher-Self has access to true knowing so if you feel your Ego driving the bus, pull over. The best you can do when the Ego flares up is stop its momentum. Allow your Source to take over and remember to practice that self-love through this process.

A balanced chakra system and a solid sense of true self will keep the Ego at bay and turn it into a valuable spiritual tool.