
VIII - Eight


A “Yes” card

Element: Fire

Dominant Energy: Male

Zodiac: Leo 

Crystals: Bloodstone, Citrine

Chakra: Solar Plexus/Sacral

Kabbalistic Letter: Teth

Path on the Tree of Life:

Chesed (Mercy) to Gevurah (Power) 


Upright: Endurance, patience, fortitude, resilience

Reversed: Weakness, self-doubt, insecurity, fear


This card represents self-control over the primordial part of the self.

Upright Interpretation: 

With strength you have learned to tame your animalistic (basic) instincts and you move forward in a companionship of healthy symbiosis. You’ve learned to work with your instincts and you’re able to trust in them. Now is the time to step fully into your true self under the protection of your animal self, it has proven itself trustworthy. 

Important Note:

Could be indicative of a struggle with one’s animal nature. 

Reversed Interpretation:

You’re allowing your deepest inner nature to dictate your actions. Realign yourself with your intentions and see if your behavior reflects a willingness to move toward your desires or if you’re keeping yourself trapped with a low-vibrating, fear-based mindset. Allow your higher-self in to quell any turbulence in your base chakras. 

Wicked Perspective:

In life there will always been things that we want opposing what it actually best for us. It’s our choice whether or not to give into our desires and basic needs or overcome them with a higher state of being and transcend immediate perceived needs in order to achieve better results.