
This is my favorite term for the higher power many of us keep faith in and I find it to be a subtle reminder of the universal energy we stem from; the source of all things.


To name something is to give it power, but what is “Source”?


It’s everything. Source is life itself; the kundalini, the hand of death and everything in between. We are nothing more than the Universe experiencing itself from different perspectives.


Source is more than the masculine “God” most religions subscribe to, in fact that’s only half of the equation. Source is the ultimate, making it much more than we’re able to conceive from where we stand presently. This is why Source has split itself up and delegated its energy into smaller concepts for us to understand from the perspective of the human experience.


It starts with Source; the all. Then this energy breaks itself apart into the masculine and feminine divine. From there it splits into your ‘friendly’ neighbor hood gods and goddesses before it’s divided even further into you and me. We are nothing but fragmented Source energy and once you’re able to accept this, the real fun can begin.


The biggest step toward ascension is eliminating the belief that you must pray to an external god. Prayer is but a weak form of spell, the act of which alone forces us to surrender our power. Without the intention and the conscious choice to manifest the goal every day, you’re simply making a flimsy wish and tossing it to the wind, hoping that some mysterious power will do the work for you.


Remember, always remember, you don’t need external forces. There is nothing you are not capable of. From astral projection to energy work, if you can conceive of it then it is possible. The only limitation in this life is your belief system.


So, what is Source?


To put it simply,


It’s you.


What will you create?

  • D.K.