Six of Wands 

A “Yes” card



Astrological Influence: 

Jupiter in Leo

Numerological Significance: 



Upright: Triumph, recognition, success, achievement, pride

Reversed: Failure, loss, lack of confidence, betrayal, broken promises, no payout


The Six of Wands is a card of victory and high vibrations. 

Upright Interpretation: 

The six appears to indicate that you’ve overcome your blocks and challenges and you now stand in a place of success and achievement. You’re able to lead in your life as you’re confident in the direction you’re heading. You know what you want, you’ve proven yourself capable of attaining it, and you’re eager for more. You’ve stepped into your power and embraced a deep connection with your Source. 

Important Note: 

Check your ego.

Reversed Interpretation: 

Your pride may be standing in the way of accomplishing your goals. The time may not be right to move forward as you may not yet be ready. Consider your efforts and change your course if you’re feeling overwhelmed.

Wicked Perspective:

This is a chatty card that’s full of duality. The meanings are polar opposites depending upon the card’s position, meaning that the energies of the current situation can be flipped around if the intention is so.