Six of Swords

A “Maybe” card



Astrological Influence:

Mercury in Aquarius

Numerological Significance: 



Upright: Moving forward, new phases, harmony, balance

Reversed: Lingering, avoidance, obstacles, resistance


The Six of Swords indicates persistent movement and the need to keep going.

Upright Interpretation: 

The Six of Swords signifies a necessary turbulence in the querent’s life. Universal energy is moving swiftly around you, but if you’re determined to see things through, you can get out ahead of things and move into a new phase. There may be struggles but through persistence, strength, and focus you can bring harmony and balance to your situation and come out on top. 

Important Note: 

There’s peace within the eye of the storm.

Reversed Interpretation: 

This card in reverse can signify a situation taking a turn toward a bumpy road and obstacles may be manifesting. You may be trying to avoid dealing with something but now is the time to confront the situation head-on. You have the strength to get through the upcoming difficulties. 

Wicked Perspective:

You may be feeling anxious about the present situation or the road ahead, but the Six of Swords brings in an energy of strength and determination, and it encourages you to trust in yourself and your own inner resources as you push forward. You may find yourself going it alone or with few others in tow, but you’ll accomplish your goals here, no matter what. Release anything that may be holding you back and find balance with the Universe.