Six of Pentacles

A “Yes” card



Astrological Significance:

Moon in Taurus

Numerological Significance: 



Upright: Stability, security, generosity, assistance

Reversed: Lack, confusion, depletion, scarcity 


This is a card of abundance and prosperity.


The Six of Pentacles signifies that now may be the time to be charitable with your efforts as you have plenty to go around. You’re finding yourself feeling financially confident and you’re able to trust in your resources.

Important Note: 

You can’t harvest from a barren garden.


When the Six of Pentacles shows up in the reversed position it indicates a desire to help others but the lack of resources to do so. Now is the time to focus on your energies and create security in your own life before branching out. This may also indicate an abuse of power.

Wicked Perspective:

This card tells of good things coming into your experience after a period of difficulty and the ability to share your fortune with others. Whether through charity or opportunity, you’re gifting abundance to those around you. You know that these results are due to your own efforts and focus and you’re feeling stable enough to lend stability to those around you, creating peace in your own physical reality for everyone that you can. However, this card in the reversed position indicates a struggle with your own materials making you sensitive to the struggles of others. Care for the conscious collective is a beautiful thing, but you have to be standing on solid ground before you can offer stability to others or you’ll surely lose your footing.