Seven of Pentacles

A “Maybe” card



Astrological Significance:

Saturn in Taurus

Numerological Significance: 



Upright: Gleaning efforts, harvest, payoffs, persistence

Reversed: Debt, financial/material difficulties, dissonance, procrastination 


Harvest after patience 


This card represents a payout from your long-term investments. You’re reaping the benefits of your hard work and resting in a vibration of abundance and gratitude. Your spirits are high at this time.

Important Note: 

What you’re receiving is a direct correlation to the energy you’ve put in. If you’re unhappy with your results, stay mindful of where you place your focus.


When the Seven of Pentacles comes to us in the reversed position it is indicative of heavy burdens weighing down your mental and emotional states. Your debts are draining you, leaving you with little determination to settle up energetic leans. 

Wicked Perspective:

The Seven of Pentacles tells that the querent is in a time of harvest. When this card appears you can be certain that past efforts have grown to fruition and these energies are ready to benefit your present reality. Your patience and alignment are paying off and you’ve created a new way of existing. If this card appears to you in the reversed positon, know that it is time to reshape your thoughts and belief systems. Don’t allow negative thought patterns to play out in your mind. Stop their momentum before they deplete you entirely.