Seven of Cups

A “Maybe” card



Astrological Influence: 

Venus in Scorpio

Numerological Significance:



Upright: Fantasy, creativity, energy, imagination

Reversed: Delusion, escapism, disconnection, confusion


This fantastical card reminds us that anything is possible when you’re tapped into the power that creates worlds.

Upright Interpretation: 

When the Seven of Cups appears it tells the querents that many paths are available from this standpoint and what you manifest is a direct correlation of where you put your energy and focus. Every invention was nothing more than a dream at one point, and if you trust in and commit to your inventions you can manifest anything into reality with a little courage. However, not every reader finds such positivity in this card as it can be indicative of deception, delusion, and disconnection. Ground yourself when this card appears and take control of where you’re putting your energies. 

Important Note: 

Stay focused on what serves you.

Reversed Interpretation: 

The Seven of Cups in reverse tells of delusion. While what you want may be possible you may not be in a state of honesty with yourself about how to bring your desires about. If you’re feeling overwhelmed or uncertain about which path to pursue, take some time to ground yourself. Tap into your Source and get clear on your intentions, then formulate a map of how to get to the reality where they exist. 

Wicked Perspective:

As a Virgo Sun with a Scorpio Venus, I’ve spent more time than necessary analyzing this card and my perspective on my pursuits. The Seven of Cups is a card of possibility, but the overwhelming passion to manifest our desires may steer us off of our intended paths if we’re not mindful of our energies and actions. This card reminds us of the importance of imagination when creating our own realities, but it also warns us to stay present and not get swept away in our minds if we want to see our goals reflected in our physical realities.