
Root Chakra

Root Chakra.jpg

“The Foundation of the Physical Body”

Color: Red

Location: base of the spine, pelvic floor, first three vertebrae

Element: Earth

Sound: LAM

Path on the Tree of Life: Malkhut and Shekhainah

Crystals: Bloodstone, Jasper, Carnelian, Smokey Quartz, Garnet, Hemetite, Obsidian 

Oils:  Cedarwood, Patchouli, Vetiver, Ginger, Clove

Affirmation/Mantra:  “I am”


Home, security, safety, grounding, presence. This is a charka of matter/material 


This chakra is your foundation in the physical world. A balanced Root Chakra gives you a solid base to help you open the higher chakras. It is all about what brings you stability in life, as in your basic needs; food, water, shelter, safety, and emotional needs. Your sense of safety often has less to do with your current life and is more closely related to how you were raised. Our caregivers are our first point of contact in this realm so if they met our needs in the beginning of our existence we operate as secure adults. If our needs were dismissed (for whatever reasons) we’re more prone to insecurity, feeling unsafe, or being unstable. I.e. we are more likely to operate from a conscious state of survival mode rather than enlightenment. 

Signs of a Balanced Root Chakra:

Safety, stability, vitality, security, general positivity, strong immune system, good physical health, enjoyment in physical fitness, and an overall sense of feeling grounded.

Signs of an Imbalanced Root Chakra:

Anxiety, fear, nightmares, sleep paralysis, panic attacks, low vibrations, instability, low energy, lethargy, difficulty focusing, cravings and addictions, eating disorders, bladder or colon issues, lower back, leg, or feet problems, constipation, and sciatica 

Signs of an Overactive Root Chakra:

Panic, fear, territorial behavior, feeling threatened, aggressive survival mode

How the Root Chakra Gets Blocked:

Fear and trauma; any experience that threatens one’s safety.

How to Clear/Open/Balance the Root Chakra:


Color therapy: This includes eating red foods, meditating on the color red, and wearing red clothing or jewelry.

Foods/Diet to Balance Root Chakra: 

Root Veggies Spicy foods Red foods

Yoga Poses to Balance the Root Chakra:

Bridge Pose Butterfly Pose Child’s Pose Extended Side Angle

Forward-Fold Mountain Pose Savasana Seated Meditation Pose

Triangle Pose Yogic Squat