Queen of Pentacles 


A “Yes” card




Upright: Abundance, luxury, dependability, nurturing

Reversed: Insecurity, self-involved, frivolous, fickle


This is a card of personal resources.


When the Queen of Pentacles appears upright it is indicative of nurturing energies at play in the querent’s life. This card represents security in the physical realm, confidence in the self, and determination. With this energy present, you know that you can depend on yourself to create the reality you wish to see with all of its components. This is a balanced card.

Important Note: 

Don’t take your position for granted.


The Queen of Pentacles in the reversed position can represent insecurity in the self manifesting in the physical reality. The querent may be blindly self-involved at this time, leading to irresponsible choices and uses of energy. 

Wicked Perspective:

This card brings in stable and grounded energy. The Queen of Pentacles is secure in her place in the Earthly realm, but at times may be too rooted down. Trust that you’re secure where you are and abundant enough to send some of that nurturing energy to yourself.