Queen of Cups 

A “Yes” card




Upright: Creation, intuition, emotional intelligence, compassion

Reversed: Disconnected, overwhelmed, blockages, emptiness


The Queen of Cups is an emotional card deeply connected to creativity.

Upright Interpretation: 

This card represents focusing all of your energies into creativity and trusting in your higher self. The Queen of Cups represents Source alignment and being in “flow state”. With this queen in your corner, know that all of your creative and emotional endeavors are blessed. Be willing to trust in your ability to manifest your desires. Move through this phase with abundant love for yourself and others.

Important Note: 

Recognize what brings you emotional satisfaction.

Reversed Interpretation: 

The Queen of Cups in the reversed position can represent disconnection from your inner being. You may be feeling blocked emotionally or creatively, or experiencing feelings of pain and sadness. With great emotional power comes the responsibility of controlling it and keeping it from mutating into negativity. 

Wicked Perspective:

This card represents all that Source has to offer when you step into alignment with your inner being. Abundant creative energy and emotional openness are available when this queen appears. Tap into the powerful energies around you at this time and allow life to flow through you unrestricted.